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Primary team India remove India from query
At ground SL: Rangiri Dambulla International Stadium remove SL: Rangiri Dambulla International Stadium from query
Start of match date greater than or equal to 29 Jun 2008 remove greater than or equal to 29 Jun 2008 from query
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Match results
India lost 8 wickets 91 won 1st v Sri Lanka Dambulla 18 Aug 2008 investigate this query
India won 3 wickets 62 won 2nd v Sri Lanka Dambulla 20 Aug 2008 investigate this query
India won 6 wickets 11 won 2nd v Sri Lanka Dambulla 28 Jan 2009 investigate this query
India won 6 wickets 116 lost 2nd v Bangladesh Dambulla 16 Jun 2010 investigate this query
India won 3 wickets 1 lost 2nd v Pakistan Dambulla 19 Jun 2010 investigate this query
India lost 7 wickets 75 lost 1st v Sri Lanka Dambulla 22 Jun 2010 investigate this query
India won 81 runs won 1st v Sri Lanka Dambulla 24 Jun 2010 investigate this query
India lost 200 runs lost 2nd v New Zealand Dambulla 10 Aug 2010 investigate this query
India won 6 wickets 93 lost 2nd v Sri Lanka Dambulla 16 Aug 2010 investigate this query
India lost 8 wickets 209 won 1st v Sri Lanka Dambulla 22 Aug 2010 investigate this query
India won 105 runs won 1st v New Zealand Dambulla 25 Aug 2010 investigate this query
India lost 74 runs lost 2nd v Sri Lanka Dambulla 28 Aug 2010 investigate this query
India won 9 wickets 127 won 2nd v Sri Lanka Dambulla 20 Aug 2017 investigate this query
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Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 1st ODI, Mar 13, 2024 [ODI # 4743]
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