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Sri Lanka 308/8 50.0 6.16 1 lost v India Karachi 3 Jul 2008 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 273 49.5 5.47 1 won v India Karachi 6 Jul 2008 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 147/2 34.5 4.22 2 won v India Dambulla 18 Aug 2008 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 142 38.3 3.68 1 lost v India Dambulla 20 Aug 2008 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 204 49.0 4.16 2 lost v India Colombo (RPS) 24 Aug 2008 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 212 46.3 4.55 2 lost v India Colombo (RPS) 27 Aug 2008 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 227/6 50.0 4.54 1 won v India Colombo (RPS) 29 Aug 2008 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 246/7 50.0 4.92 1 lost v India Dambulla 28 Jan 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 241 49.2 4.88 2 lost v India Colombo (RPS) 31 Jan 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 216 41.4 5.18 2 lost v India Colombo (RPS) 3 Feb 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 265 48.0 5.52 2 lost v India Colombo (RPS) 5 Feb 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 320/8 50.0 6.40 1 won v India Colombo (RPS) 8 Feb 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 307/6 50.0 6.14 1 won v India Colombo (RPS) 12 Sep 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 273 46.4 5.85 2 lost v India Colombo (RPS) 14 Sep 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 411/8 50.0 8.22 2 lost v India Rajkot 15 Dec 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 302/7 49.1 6.14 2 won v India Nagpur 18 Dec 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 239 44.2 5.39 1 lost v India Cuttack 21 Dec 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 315/6 50.0 6.30 1 lost v India Eden Gardens 24 Dec 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 83/5 23.3 3.53 1 n/r v India Delhi 27 Dec 2009 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 283/5 48.0 5.89 2 won v India Mirpur 5 Jan 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 213 46.1 4.61 1 lost v India Mirpur 10 Jan 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 249/6 48.3 5.13 2 won v India Mirpur 13 Jan 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 242 49.5 4.85 1 lost v India Bulawayo 30 May 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 270/4 48.2 5.58 2 won v India Harare 5 Jun 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 211/3 37.3 5.62 2 won v India Dambulla 22 Jun 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 187 44.4 4.18 2 lost v India Dambulla 24 Jun 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 170 46.1 3.68 1 lost v India Dambulla 16 Aug 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 104/2 15.1 6.85 2 won v India Dambulla 22 Aug 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 299/8 50.0 5.98 1 won v India Dambulla 28 Aug 2010 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 274/6 50.0 5.48 1 lost v India Wankhede 2 Apr 2011 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 233/8 50.0 4.66 1 lost v India Perth 8 Feb 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 236/9 50.0 4.72 1 tied v India Adelaide 14 Feb 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 289/6 50.0 5.78 1 won v India Brisbane 21 Feb 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 320/4 50.0 6.40 1 lost v India Hobart 28 Feb 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 254 45.1 5.62 2 lost v India Mirpur 13 Mar 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 293/9 50.0 5.86 2 lost v India Hambantota 21 Jul 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 139/1 19.5 7.00 2 won v India Hambantota 24 Jul 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 286/5 50.0 5.72 1 lost v India Colombo (RPS) 28 Jul 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 251/8 50.0 5.02 1 lost v India Colombo (RPS) 31 Jul 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 274 45.4 6.00 2 lost v India Pallekele 4 Aug 2012 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 181/8 50.0 3.62 1 lost v India Cardiff 20 Jun 2013 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 348/1 50.0 6.96 1 won v India Kingston 2 Jul 2013 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 96 24.4 3.89 2 lost v India Port of Spain 9 Jul 2013 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 201 48.5 4.11 1 lost v India Port of Spain 11 Jul 2013 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 265/8 49.2 5.37 2 won v India Fatullah 28 Feb 2014 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 194 39.2 4.93 2 lost v India Cuttack 2 Nov 2014 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 274/8 50.0 5.48 1 lost v India Ahmedabad 6 Nov 2014 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 242 48.2 5.00 1 lost v India Hyderabad 9 Nov 2014 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 251 43.1 5.81 2 lost v India Eden Gardens 13 Nov 2014 investigate this query
Sri Lanka 286/8 50.0 5.72 1 lost v India Ranchi 16 Nov 2014 investigate this query
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent One-Day Internationals:
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 3rd ODI, Mar 18, 2024 [ODI # 4745]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd ODI, Mar 15, 2024 [ODI # 4744]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 1st ODI, Mar 13, 2024 [ODI # 4743]
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