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India lost 4 wickets 23 lost 1st v England Leeds 13 Jul 1974 investigate this query
India lost 6 wickets 37 won 1st v England The Oval 15 Jul 1974 investigate this query
India lost 202 runs lost 2nd v England Lord's 7 Jun 1975 investigate this query
India won 10 wickets 181 lost 2nd v East Africa Leeds 11 Jun 1975 investigate this query
India lost 4 wickets 7 won 1st v New Zealand Manchester 14 Jun 1975 investigate this query
India lost 9 wickets 37 won 1st v New Zealand Christchurch 21 Feb 1976 investigate this query
India lost 80 runs lost 2nd v New Zealand Auckland 22 Feb 1976 investigate this query
India won 4 runs won 1st v Pakistan Quetta 1 Oct 1978 investigate this query
India lost 8 wickets 139 lost 1st v Pakistan Sialkot 13 Oct 1978 investigate this query
India lost lost 2nd v Pakistan Sahiwal 3 Nov 1978 investigate this query
India lost 9 wickets 51 lost 1st v West Indies Birmingham 9 Jun 1979 investigate this query
India lost 8 wickets 18 lost 1st v New Zealand Leeds 13 Jun 1979 investigate this query
India lost 47 runs won 2nd v Sri Lanka Manchester 16 Jun 1979 investigate this query
India won 66 runs lost 1st v Australia Melbourne 6 Dec 1980 investigate this query
India won 5 runs won 1st v New Zealand Perth 9 Dec 1980 investigate this query
India lost 9 wickets 40 lost 1st v Australia Sydney 18 Dec 1980 investigate this query
India lost 3 wickets 2 won 1st v New Zealand Brisbane 21 Dec 1980 investigate this query
India won 6 runs won 1st v New Zealand Adelaide 23 Dec 1980 investigate this query
India lost 9 wickets 174 lost 1st v Australia Sydney 8 Jan 1981 investigate this query
India lost 10 wickets 30 lost 1st v New Zealand Melbourne 10 Jan 1981 investigate this query
India lost 7 wickets 16 lost 1st v Australia Melbourne 11 Jan 1981 investigate this query
India lost 27 runs won 2nd v Australia Sydney 15 Jan 1981 investigate this query
India lost 22 runs won 2nd v New Zealand Brisbane 18 Jan 1981 investigate this query
India lost 78 runs won 2nd v New Zealand Auckland 14 Feb 1981 investigate this query
India lost 57 runs won 2nd v New Zealand Hamilton 15 Feb 1981 investigate this query
India lost 5 wickets 13 lost 1st v England Ahmedabad 25 Nov 1981 investigate this query
India won 6 wickets 3 won 2nd v England Jalandhar 20 Dec 1981 investigate this query
India won 5 wickets 24 won 2nd v England Cuttack 27 Jan 1982 investigate this query
India lost 9 wickets 29 lost 1st v England Leeds 2 Jun 1982 investigate this query
India lost 114 runs won 2nd v England The Oval 4 Jun 1982 investigate this query
India won 78 runs lost 1st v Sri Lanka Amritsar 12 Sep 1982 investigate this query
India won 6 wickets 55 lost 2nd v Sri Lanka Delhi 15 Sep 1982 investigate this query
India won 6 wickets 64 lost 2nd v Sri Lanka Bengaluru 26 Sep 1982 investigate this query
India lost 14 runs won 2nd v Pakistan Gujranwala 3 Dec 1982 investigate this query
India lost 37 runs lost 2nd v Pakistan Multan 17 Dec 1982 investigate this query
India won 18 runs lost 2nd v Pakistan Lahore 31 Dec 1982 investigate this query
India lost 8 wickets 30 won 1st v Pakistan Karachi 21 Jan 1983 investigate this query
India lost 52 runs won 2nd v West Indies Port of Spain 9 Mar 1983 investigate this query
India won 27 runs lost 1st v West Indies Albion 29 Mar 1983 investigate this query
India lost 7 wickets 58 lost 1st v West Indies St George's 7 Apr 1983 investigate this query
India won 34 runs lost 1st v West Indies Manchester 9 Jun 1983 investigate this query
India won 5 wickets 135 won 2nd v Zimbabwe Leicester 11 Jun 1983 investigate this query
India lost 162 runs lost 2nd v Australia Nottingham 13 Jun 1983 investigate this query
India lost 66 runs lost 2nd v West Indies The Oval 15 Jun 1983 investigate this query
India won 31 runs won 1st v Zimbabwe Tunbridge Wells 18 Jun 1983 investigate this query
India won 118 runs won 1st v Australia Chelmsford 20 Jun 1983 investigate this query
India won 6 wickets 32 lost 2nd v England Manchester 22 Jun 1983 investigate this query
India won 43 runs lost 1st v West Indies Lord's 25 Jun 1983 investigate this query
India won 4 wickets 18 won 2nd v Pakistan Hyderabad (Deccan) 10 Sep 1983 investigate this query
India won 4 wickets 32 won 2nd v Pakistan Jaipur 2 Oct 1983 investigate this query
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