
Umpire's taken through their paces at ACC Level I Umpires Course over CNY 2013

Nineteen (19) delegates from Hong Kong were taken through their paces at the ACC Level I Umpires Course held at the Hong Kong Cricket Club over Chinese New Year 2013.

Nineteen (19) delegates from Hong Kong were taken through their paces at the ACC Level I Umpires Course held at the Hong Kong Cricket Club over Chinese New Year 2013.
A number of the trainees had also attended the Introductory Umpires Course held earlier in the year and were looking at gaining the ACC Level I Umpire certification.
ACC's Umpire Trainer Bomi Jamula flew in from India to conduct the course while the ACU&S (HK China) Umpire Trainer Ian Thomson provided assistance and local input throughout the course.
The intensive course featured 4 days of classroom lectures plus a practical session during which the delegates new found skills and knowledge were put to the test.
The practice match, which featured members of the Hong Kong national squad, also served as a practical test for the eight (8) scorers that attended the HKCA's Scorers course held earlier in the month.
The HKCA and The ACU&S (HK China) wish to thank the Hong Kong Cricket Club for providing access to their facilities, including the function room, Indoor Cricket Centre and ground, over the Chinese New Year period.